New York Detectives, Richards (Jalal Merhi) and Masterson (Cynthia Rothrock) reunite to pursue escapade serial killer Chong (Bolo Yeung) into the ancient caverns beneath San Francisco’s Chinatown on the eve of the Chinese New Year. In a deadly race against time, Richards and Masterson finds themselves captured by Chong and his brother, the nefarious underground Chinatown leader Dai Fu (Han Soo Ong), as they prepare for a ritual that will bring forth deadly consequences. Escaping through the ancient secret halls, Richards and Masterson confront their enemies in a battle filled with spectacular gunfights and breathtaking martial arts
Written & Directed by: J. Stephen Maunder
Produced by: Jalal Merhi
Featuring: Jalal Merhi Bolo Yeung Cynthia Rothrock Han S. Ong Even Lurie Eric Lee Paul Rapovski Mike Chow Brad Milne