Botox Queens of NYNew York’s most colorful cosmo-clinic goes under the knife, showcasing the latest anti-aging techniques up close & personal. Get to know the unique staff and BIG BOSS: Jennifer Dilandro
Episode 02: “Holy Shih Tzu”! Jennifer’s boyfriend Ray wreaks havoc at the office! The neighborhood mascotRICHARD PARIS, insane clients, and a stalker enter the scene over at Jen’s Brooklyn office in Bay Ridge! Episode 03: “Family Matters”! ! The Dolce Aesthetics family are tight-knit, as the rising star company continues to draw in new clients...... Episode 04: “SpringTime Snow”! Cold weather in NYC continues, as jealousy arises between Jen’s boyfriend Ray, and her best friend George. Male strippers, sores on lips, and the minutely Infamous Richard Paris make their mark on this episode. Episode 05: “Ozzie & Harriet” Disfigured clients, an unstable relationship, and problems at work drive Jen over the edge. Meanwhile, Jen’s manager ‘Lilliana’ creates drama at work as her husband is humiliated on camera...... Episode 06: “Sunday Dinner” Non-surgical therapies offered at Dolce Aesthetics are in high demand, as clientele steadily increases. Jen offers Sunday dinner to friends and family, as her friend George spoils it....... Episode 07: “Memories & MAMMARIES” - Jen revisits her childhood home and reminisces about her father’s death. At work Jen sets one of her longtime clients up on a date with George, and disaster follows. To make matters worse, clients are complaining about the receptionist’s cleavage hanging out. Episode 08: “Smorgasbord” - Disappointment with George’s handyman skills are addressed. Jen’s managers brawl it out over stupid stuff. And Jen’s daughter Ava shoots a music video for a chance to win a competition. Episode 09: “Back in Business” - Money is rolling in as the multiple locations of Dolce Aesthetics are jam-packed all day long with clients. Ray & George are still at war... Episode 10: “Full Speed Behind” Jen’s daughter Ava loses the music video competition, and blames Ray, even though he paid big bucks for her video. Brooklyn Mascot RICHARD PARIS terrorizes Jen at her workplace. Jen’s friend George is put in charge of constructing her new office, and is months behind schedule. Jen’s daughter Gerilyn is being stalked by a hoodlum. Episode 11: “Trouble in Paradise” - The construction feud between Jen & George escalates as money issues and vandalism create more problems. Jen’s childhood crush named Vito comes to Dolce and they reminisce, as serious health issues haunt Ray. Episode 12: “Fountain of Youth” - Jen performs specific techniques on her clients, as they look almost half their real age. Gerilyn’s stalker is caught on camera then directly confronted by Jen. Construction problems with George turn violent as he threatens Ray. Episode 13: “Main-Line” - Finally the Grand Opening of Jen’s new office after months of construction delay from George. Dolce Aesthetics takes on a new breakthrough treatment called I.V. Therapy which mainlines vitamins & minerals directly into their client’s bloodstream. |